-ISS Business Page
-Dismissal and Probation
-FERPA Lookup - click on Staff on the right side of the page to log in
-Student Admin
-Student Admin Tutorials for STUDENTS
-Student Admin Tutorials for ADVISORS
-Time Card
-Holiday Time Entry Instructions - click on Time and Labor section
-Covid-19 Reporting Instructions
Change Request Forms:
-Program Change Form (Changing to ACES)
-Plan Change Form (Switching Plan or Sub Plan within ACES)
-Advisor Change Form (Changing ACES Advisor)
Sample Semester Guidelines:
-Allied Health (including concentrations)
-CAHNR Sequences
-Exercise Science Sequences
-Individualized Major Themes
-Sport Management
-Teaching - Praxis Info - English & IB/M Dual Degree
-Individual Nexus GPA Calculator - Keep track of all your classes throughout your UConn career - information does not disappear
-Desired GPA Nexus Calculator - GPA calculator, and how to reach desired GPA calculator
-GPA Goal Calculator - Basic GPA and GPA goal calculators
-Registrar's Office Forms
-Transfer Course Equivalencies
-Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Processes
Orientation Documents: